As a singer your body is your instrument, so taking great care of your instrument is essential to produce the best voice in you. On top of frequently sipping water between sentences during singing, make smart food choices to keep your voice in best shape. Foods are the fuel for your body & mind, so choose the best quality of foods possible. Then what are the best quality foods? Vegetables/herbs, fruits, nuts & beans! These are packed with fibre, essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, magnesium, iron, calcium, protein & more, etc. and contain everything your body needs. These wholesome nutrient dense(Plant based) foods keep the mucus membranes of your throat healthy and moist. Plant based foods can help you...
What is the difference between Vocal Ranges and Vocal Types? Vocal Range: the distance between your highest note and the lowest note Vocal Type: a specific kind of voice that has common characteristics and qualities such as vocal range, vocal registration, vocal weight, vocal tessitura(best range), timbre, vocal transition points between the vocal registers, vocal register, etc. As you have a specific clothing size that fits your body type, you also have a range that fits your voice type. You probably saw a pitch control that changes keys at karaoke before. You won't look so great in wrong size clothing and this is the same in singing as well. So let's figure out your range(the distance between the highest and...
Without the proper diaphragmatic breathing(belly breathing, abdominal breathing or deep breathing) your voice can sound unnatural, tense, forced & weak. The correct diaphragmatic breathing makes your voice more relaxed, more natural, more powerful and richer with more control in phrasing, which means that you will be able to hold your breath longer. Here are the 3 steps that are involved in creating your voice. 1. Breathing in (Respiration) With The Diaphragmatic Breathing -> 2. Voicing (Phonation) -> 3. Vibration (Resonance) And let's learn the 1st step, Respiration (Breathing in) with The Diaphragmatic Breathing in this blog~! [1] Breathing in: Respiration with the Diaphragmatic Breathing ; Your lungs store and filter air by exchanging gas between oxygen that is...
As a singer your body is part of your instrument and your voice is produced through many complex steps which are the power source, the vibrators(or oscillators), and the shapers(resonators & articulators). staff. "Blausen gallery 2014". Wikiversity Journal of Medicine. DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010. ISSN 20018762 Each part is intertwined and connected to other parts of the body to make it work as one organization, and therefore if one part is broken or doesn't work properly then that small part is going to affect the whole body. Have you had a tooth ache before ? Because of that small part of the body is in poor condition, the whole body will be affected by it and won't be able to...
* How your voice is created, part 2 The resonators(or amplifiers) and articulators(or modifiers) shape your voice into recognizable sound. Your voice is shaped just as how the recorder(a woodwind musical instrument) works. When you exhale the air from your mouth, the air will vibrate your lips and the vibration will create sound in the recorder and the sound will be determined by the size, shape & hardness of the recorder. (I) The Resonators(or amplifiers) of your voice: Chest, Tracheal tree(including Larynx, Trachea, Bronchus, Bronchioles, Alveoli), Upper part of Throat, Pharynx, Larynx, Sinuses, Nasal Cavity, Oral Cavity produce sound waves. staff. "Blausen gallery 2014". Wikiversity Journal of Medicine. DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010. ISSN 20018762 Without the resonators sound waves from...