You can read the part two of my life story here...
Three key ingredients that every great pianist has (The 3 Ps)
Learning a musical instrument is a lot to do with the mindset. Your mind is an extremely powerful tool and it creates your reality.
Here are three core common characteristics of people who mastered piano.
The first ingredient is Passion. People who have mastered piano started with strong passion and deep love for piano. If you have fun, if you like playing piano, you will probably play more often. So say more often I 'Want to' play piano or I 'Like' playing piano instead of I 'Have to' or I 'Should' play piano.
The second ingredient is Persistence. As levels goe up, techniques and notes get more difficult and complicated, but theses people were determined to move forward and never gave up.
When you feel like quitting, Picture yourself playing your favourite song on piano so fluently & effortlessly like a virtuoso~
The third ingredient is Patience. Like many other things in life if you want to be really good at playing piano, it won't be possible to learn and master piano in a month or two. Slow and steady wins the race.
So play piano for 15 minutes every day as you brush your teeth every morning & night, and you will be able to see the progress in a month!
As every drop of water makes the mighty ocean, 15 min. of daily practice will add up to monthly 450 minuties that is 7 hours and 30 min per month! Cool, huh?!
Make daily practice a Habit, starting Today!
Three fundamental parts you need to use to sing with power and clarity.
Singing involves complex tasks using multiple parts of the body at the same time. You are required to use different combinations of techniques at the same time depending on what kind of sound(different vocal registers such as modal, falsetto, etc, and vocal styles such as classical, jazz, pop, etc.) you are creating.
In order to sing high notes powerfully without straining your vocal folds first of all you need to draw enough air to produce and sustain that high notes using the diaphragm that is located at the bottom layers of your lungs which sits roughly half way between your belly button and chest.
Your diaphragm muscle works like a pump and pushes the air up as you sing. Without using this muscle you will produce only a speaking voice not a singing voice. One of the reasons for this is that a singing voice requires more air to hold and project notes than a speaking voice does. staff. "Blausen gallery 2014". Wikiversity Journal of Medicine. DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010. ISSN 20018762.
Another crucial part that you need to work on is the Larynx. Larynx is your voice box, and it has the Vocal Folds inside.
The vocal folds work like an elastic band. As you sing higher notes, your vocal folds start to get stretched and thinner. For this reason when you sing high notes, you may feel strained and tighter in your throat. Therefore you need to counteract overly stretched & strained vocal folds.
Third of all in order to sing high notes clearly & powerfully, you need to access your frontal sinus resonator to create sharp & open head voice resonance.
There are many other areas that you need to understand, learn and implement to become a good singer but the three parts that I explained above are the fundamentals to sing powerfully and clearly.
So let's learn about your instrument that is 'Yourself'(including your physical body) to maximize its potential!
To be continued in Part 4...
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